Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!

DIY | Greeting Cards

I saw this really cute teacher gift and I thought that it would be perfect for the boys teachers this year. 

I took photos throughout the year and then added quotes that I liked using Photoshop. You could use photos that you have taken or postcards. If you wanted to add text there is a great free photo editing site called Picnik that is for anyone. You can do different effects, text and collages with your photos.
 I add adhesive to the back of the picture.
 Then flipped it over and stuck it to the front of the blank card.
I slipped the stack of cards and envelopes into a larger envelope and attached a thank you sticker on the back to seal. These thank you stickers have a very light adhesive so the envelope can easily be reopened.
 Tied them up and they're ready to be gifted. :)

Little Cowboy | Tulsa Children's Photographer

This little guy has to be the cutest cowboy I've ever seen!

Starting New {our first garden}

I've been wanting to plant a garden for a couple of years and it's always been put off by other things on the "to do list." This year I was coming to terms with putting it off again when I woke up last Saturday to a quiet house. When I called my boys to see what they were up to I was very surprised to find out they were getting dirt for the garden. :) Not only did I get to sleep in, but they had been working all morning getting a spot ready.
It's only a 10'x5' bed, but I think it'll be just enough to get started in the world of gardening. I just hope one day I can have just a bit of the green thumb my Papa once had.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Mmm....cake balls

I saw how to make these on Bakerella and thought they'd fun to make for the Easter party. Any excuse to have a cake ball is a good one. :)